Sausage and Mushrooms
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Saturday, July 30, 2005Sausage and Mushrooms
INGREDIENTS: 1 can button mushrooms 1 can Purefoods chorizo de bilbao (or any sausage wil do) 2 tbsp. butter 1 pc onion 6 cloves garlic 3- 4 tbsps. oyster sauce pepper salt PROCEDURE: 1. Melt butter over low fire. 2. Saute garlic and onions. 3. Add sausage, salt and pepper and cover for10 minutes. 4. Add drained mushrooms and oyster sauce and cover for another 5 minutes. Serve.
Monday, July 18, 2005Bangus Belly ala Pobre
sizzling would be even better! =) INGREDIENTS: 1 kilo bangus belly, cut into serving pieces 1 head garlic worcestershire sauce pepper calamansi juice cooking oil PROCEDURE: 1. Marinate bangus belly with worcestershire sauce, pepper, and calamansi juice for a hour. 2. Fry garlic until golden brown. Set aside. 3. Fry bangus belly. 4. Arrange in a serving platter/sizzling plate and top with garlic.
FoOdIeS qUoTe Happy and successful cooking doesn't rely only on know-how; it comes from the heart, makes great demands on the palate and needs enthusiasm and a deep love of food to bring it to life. -Georges Blanc, Ma Cuisine des Saisons CoNtRiBuToRs
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